Hope for tomorrow today
For nearly 50 years, Cornerstones has been helping neighbors in need overcome tough economic times in an already high cost-of-living region. The service area of Cornerstones has grown to include most of northwestern Fairfax County. Each of us can become a Cornerstone and continue our history of helping people build more stable lives by connecting them to vital resources that solve their needs for housing, childcare, food or financial assistance.
Together with our community, Cornerstones promotes stability, empowerment and hope through support, advocacy and community-building for individuals and families in need.
Cornerstones envisions a just, connected community where all individuals and families have the opportunities and support they need to thrive.
Housing / Food / Financial Assistance / Child Care & Youth Services / Community & Family Strengthening / Community Resource Centers
We serve people living in northwestern Fairfax County.
Click here to read our Americans With Disabilities Act Policy.